I have been tagged by
Yatie about weird facts...heh..hehe..tough ones as I do not have any weird things :)
SO, after hard thinking here goes my weird facts:
I like counting things, I don't like maths but I like counting, like when I walk along the street, I will start counting the pavement, and then I will multiply it by whatever number that come to my mind(usually it will either be 5 or 7-don't ask why), or I will start counting the number of windows at certain buldings. Weird I know...
I like smelling weird things like petrol, marker pen, glue(not to extend of getting addict to the smell..please) and my favourite one was the smells of my kids first thing in the morning. Before they wash their face. To me that the best smell in the whole wide world. I will make sure that I will kiss them every morning,and really enjoy myself doing that.
iii)Brushing my hair
Like Yatie, I also have to brush my hair the moment I wake up from sleep...It's a must and I will get upset if I cannot find my hairbrush and it will spoil my day. See, the importance of brushing my hair in the morning, otherwise I will be very crancky for the rest of the day.
iv)Eating routine
Again like Yatie, I also very particular about the arrangement of the dishes and rice in my plate. The rice have to be in the middle and the dishes have to be in the side. If I put the gravy on the rice, it has to be in an equal distribution. And when I eat it has to be in the same order, say first I will put the first dish on the rice, then the second dish, only after I have put all the dishes that I will eat the rice. And it has to be the same order thruout the meal.
v)Food Allergies
I am allergic to some sea food but not all. I'm allergic to prawns and crabs but I can eat the rest. However, I can them if they are like really fresh. Then I'm fine. Otherwise my mouth and tongue will swollen and it will itch like mad.
I cannot think of anything else that weird about myself. But if you want to know more probably my husband is the best person to ask. I'm sure he can give you more than 6 weird facts about his wife...:)
And another sad fact about myself..I do not have blog friends except from Yatie(who tagged me in the first place) and Jenn..So, Jenn..you are the one one that I can tag.
this is not like the chain letter right? where you HAVE to tag certain number of people otherwise you life are doom? Otherwise..I'm toast.