As Good As It Gets

A place where I can voice out my concern about my life, my family, my relationship and everything under the sun, or moon or the entire universe.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Friends-old,new and forgotten

Recently I joined facebook and found lots of old friends thru it. Most are from my Secondary School(Sains Muar). I went there for 2 years, the things is I do not remember most of the things that happened there. What I remembered was 3 pre time that we had there. We had morning prep from 6.45am to 7.15am, afternoon prep form 2.00pm to 4.30pm, then night prep from 9.00pm to 11.00pm EVERDAY.

I was and still am a very regular person, there is nothing outstanding about me. Average looking person, with an average IQ and average personality, so I wasn't made that much impact when I was there. And I am a very shy people who do not like to make the first move of making a new friends. I like to stick with my own little group. While in Sains Muar; I as close with Elly, Add and Safi, we called ourself NTT(do not ask me what it was-totally forgot what it meant. I think it's something to do with anti...something) And to made things worse after SPM, I was accepted to go to UK immediately after SPM and there were only 3 of us from the same school; myself, Lin Selamat and Nikhat. Even them we were separated to a different group. So, I was left alone for 3 months( this is when we had our so call preparation classes before we fly off to either UK or Canada). This was in Seksyen 8 Shah Alam, and I went back home every weekends while the rest of the studenst took this opportunity to get to know each others. may I should do that to, but like I said I was not the person who introduced myself to a stranger unless it was a good looking guy :D and furthermore most of the students came from the same school, so they had their group already and I did not want to interfere with that-maybe I should and I was sure they won't mind but I was having this inferior complex as they would like to call it.

Then I was off to UK, I think the first 3 months there I was so unhappy, I had no friends and I was in a different country. Most of my collegues was devided into 2 groups; 1 group was extremely religious- they do not talk to guys and everyweekends they went around UK preaching-which is si not me at all; the other group was the Rich & Famous people who travel in and out of UK on monthly basis, while to me shopping in GAP was the highlight of my life, to them it was a disgrace. So not for me either. Again, I found myself without someone that I could call friend. Until I really get to know Yatie, then we clicked. We could talked for hours about anything and nothing and life changed for me. With her I built up my confidence. She taught me to be confidence in myself and how to mingle with people. And I dare say that I do changed after that, I would try to be the first to approach people.

Then, this facebook came along. At first I was sceptical about it, I thought it was only for younger generations who listen to hip hop and none of the soft pop. But I was surprised when 1 by 1 my friends joined it-even friedns from work, so I told myself what the heck-let's give it a try and I'm so glad that I joined and am hoping that this time around I will be a better friends, and really hope that this will last forever.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Things that happened to you in 24 hours

Have you ever feel that so many things can happened to you in 1 day?? That's what happened to us yesterday.

It started with our normal Sunday routine, woke up in the morning with the sounds of my kids. Then we went out for breakfast at our normal stall for a glass of teh ice, roti canai and nasi lemak. Then off to my parents place to do our laundry(yes, I did my laundry at my parents place-we do not own a washing machine)

While I was doing my laundry, Amli will read Sunday papers and the kids will keep them amused by either playing with each others or playing with my sister's kittens.

At about 11am, we went back to our place and when we arrrived at out front gate, 2 boys approaced me and started selling the books, and CDs. They were from one of those so called 'private' sekolah pondok. I alwys pity them,so I wanted to buy few bookf from them, as I was about to ask how much were those books, Amli came and gave the boy RM5.00 and told him to buy drinks for both of them since they looked thristy. I had another idea, I just asked them to come inside and I will prepared drinks for them so that they can keep the fiver that Amli gave them. They looked a bit reluctant, I bet they must be thinking it is safe to follow this mak cik but I guess they felt safe seeing that I have 3 louds kids behind me. Once they were inside, Amli started asking them questions, where they from, which schools, how old are they. Both of them are from Johore but they went to school in Rompin, they are seelingthose books to help finance their schools and they are 14 years old. I felt so sorry for them but at the same time I admired them. They are willing to do go from door to door to sell things that most of people won't even thinking of buying so that their school can run and they can gain knowledge. I gave them a bag of goodies so that they can eat when they are hungry. I also gave them a bottle of water each since yesterday was a very hot day and they have to walk in the sun to sell RM15.00 books.

After they left, Amli and I were still talking about them, we were wondering why the school cannot get the fund form government. The parents that send their kids there are from low income earners and the schools cannot ask them for fees but at the same time, the school have to survive, they need to pay for the teachers who has to feed their families. It a vicious cycle that most of us are in it. That is I don't understand about our current government, they can send man to space that cost the tax payer millins of ringgit but they failed to see that they are many people that culd benefits from that money. Inilah yang dikatakan, monyet di hutan disusukan, anak di rumah mati kelaparan. Sungguh tak paham.

Another incident that happened to us yeaterday was a scary things, at about 12 noon I realised that Adriana had a slight temperature, and this brings warningbell to our head. Immediately we gave her fever medicine but her temp kept going up, Amli decided to bath her but on the way to our toilet, Adriana has a nother episode of seizure and this time it was really bad, her lips and fingers turned blue and we were panicking, tried my very best to wake her finally after seems like hours she was her old self. After that she was ok but at night her temperature was 38.7 and it kept flactuated which means that I did not sleep at all last night.

This morning while tyding up the kitchen, I realized all the above happened in 1 day and it seems lots for me to take. Today Adriana is still having her fever and luckily it is my off day so that I can looked after her. At the moment she is slepping maybe out of exhausted or because of the medicine, and it's time for me and Amli to have a serious discussion either we want to give her drug to prevent her seizure or risking havin another episode of seizure. It's hard become parents when it comes to this. I just prayed that whatever decision that we take, it will be the best for her.

Thing that I should write last December

I have been meaning to write about this last December since it is about my new year resolution but with limited access of internet at work and no internet access at all at home, this has been delayed for 2 months but better late than never right??

My resulotion for this year is not to have COCA COLA for 365 days!!!! This is a big deal for me since the last time I made new year resolution was when I was in school-more of have to rather than want to. You know when you were in school, the first thing that your BM teacher will ask you in the begnning of the year was to do an essay on "Azam Tahun Baru Saya", and another thing is I LOVE COKE(Cola that is). I must have it at least once a day, I know it's bad but I must have it.

And to think that I was never a coke fan 10 years ago, I think I started drinking coke excessively was when I started working with BC!! I think dealing with the customers every day did this to me, I must have sugar to keep me sane and drinking coke is the easier way of getting high. I cannot afford to go shopping when I need something to boast me up, can't go clubbing when you have 3 small kids to look after or rather no one to look after them when you go out clubbing and clubbing was never my thing anyway.

I know coke is bad for you, I know too much sugar level in you body will bring you harm in later day but I just can't seem to stop drinking it, and it became worse that my bad habit has also effected my kids. Since I must have coke, we have a constant supply of it at home and once we had it, the kids will want to drink it. I can't tell the kids not to drink it because I did, and this is not a goos example.

So, 2 weeks before new year, I told Amli that I wantedto stop drinking coke for 2008, and if I'm successful I will reward myself with either a designer handbag or a leser treatment for my eyes-depending on my mood at that time.

So, people..I need lots of support on this especially when things are going crazy at work. If I sound cranky or mean to you, please rememer that it was not me because I'm a very nice person, it's the lack of coke that did this to me. Wish me lusk people and if anyone of you out there know how to do the counter thingy on your blog, please let me know, I want to put it in,so I know how much longer till the day that I can have a sip of COKE.