Friends-old,new and forgotten
Recently I joined facebook and found lots of old friends thru it. Most are from my Secondary School(Sains Muar). I went there for 2 years, the things is I do not remember most of the things that happened there. What I remembered was 3 pre time that we had there. We had morning prep from 6.45am to 7.15am, afternoon prep form 2.00pm to 4.30pm, then night prep from 9.00pm to 11.00pm EVERDAY.
I was and still am a very regular person, there is nothing outstanding about me. Average looking person, with an average IQ and average personality, so I wasn't made that much impact when I was there. And I am a very shy people who do not like to make the first move of making a new friends. I like to stick with my own little group. While in Sains Muar; I as close with Elly, Add and Safi, we called ourself NTT(do not ask me what it was-totally forgot what it meant. I think it's something to do with anti...something) And to made things worse after SPM, I was accepted to go to UK immediately after SPM and there were only 3 of us from the same school; myself, Lin Selamat and Nikhat. Even them we were separated to a different group. So, I was left alone for 3 months( this is when we had our so call preparation classes before we fly off to either UK or Canada). This was in Seksyen 8 Shah Alam, and I went back home every weekends while the rest of the studenst took this opportunity to get to know each others. may I should do that to, but like I said I was not the person who introduced myself to a stranger unless it was a good looking guy :D and furthermore most of the students came from the same school, so they had their group already and I did not want to interfere with that-maybe I should and I was sure they won't mind but I was having this inferior complex as they would like to call it.
Then I was off to UK, I think the first 3 months there I was so unhappy, I had no friends and I was in a different country. Most of my collegues was devided into 2 groups; 1 group was extremely religious- they do not talk to guys and everyweekends they went around UK preaching-which is si not me at all; the other group was the Rich & Famous people who travel in and out of UK on monthly basis, while to me shopping in GAP was the highlight of my life, to them it was a disgrace. So not for me either. Again, I found myself without someone that I could call friend. Until I really get to know Yatie, then we clicked. We could talked for hours about anything and nothing and life changed for me. With her I built up my confidence. She taught me to be confidence in myself and how to mingle with people. And I dare say that I do changed after that, I would try to be the first to approach people.
Then, this facebook came along. At first I was sceptical about it, I thought it was only for younger generations who listen to hip hop and none of the soft pop. But I was surprised when 1 by 1 my friends joined it-even friedns from work, so I told myself what the heck-let's give it a try and I'm so glad that I joined and am hoping that this time around I will be a better friends, and really hope that this will last forever.
I think it is all about a matter of age making you older and hopefully wiser really. Look at it this way, the so called politics and drama's at school is now long forgotten and the ties built then, even if slim does connect one to another. :)
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