La....itu kura-kura!!!
When I'm feeling down, I will always remeber this incidents and it always brings smile to my face.
It happened to me when I was in 6th form in Berkhamsted School for Girls. I still remember it laike it was yesterday. It happened when me, Yatie and Jenn were in our room talking about Jenn's trip to Malaysia the coming summer. We were in the middle of the things to do and places to visit when she was in Malaysia.
Somehow, we came to what to do and things to see when we were in Terangganu( we were planning to take her to all over Malaysia). Yatie and I were telling Jenn about turtles and if we were lucky we could see real turtles when they are hatching. Jenn was not sure how turtles look like, and me and Yatie were trying really hard to explain it to her. We paint the picture of turtles with our words. I guess we were not doing a good job on this as Jenni is still confused, and kept asking us how turtles looked like, she then described a tortoise and withour realizing it I blurred out loud "LA, ITU KURA-KURA!!!"
The best part was that Jenni didn't realized that I was talkingin Malay and I also was not aware of it until we jeard Yatie laughing her head off and then she told me waht happened and I also join in laughing at myself. It was so funny and Yatie & myself kept on laughing, and poor Jenn still haven't got a clue why we were laughing so hard.
I'm sure that this incident won't happened if we have internet access at that time, we can just googled turtles and show the pictures to her, but then again I won't have this nice memories for me to treasure!!!