Find money somewhere else...
I'm stuck in a stand still traffic in's Friday evening and i'm on my way to may class..yes, people for the past 12 months, i've been attending this course. I'm taking a Diploma in Learning Disorder Mgmt & Child psychology. The class starts at 7pm, and here i am still inside the car next to Dang Wangi LRT station, it's 7.30pm. What get to me was for the whole week the weather was hot, i meant Hotwith capital H...and Friday evening it thunderstorm in KL....why?why?why?. Very the mencabar one to go to class like this...and my exam is in 2 weeks time.
It's a good thing that i have my ipad with me...yes, ppl i have an's only ipad one but i got one..a present from Amli..he got it free from Prudential for meeting his target for last year. A first he promised me an ipad 2 but he changed his mind after seeing the here i am with the 1.. Better tahn nine right???
I have made up my mind..this year will be the final year I'm calling my self a white collar slave..after my final exam, my dream of becoming a stay at home mom will soon come true. Finally i have the courage to say this out loud and once you said it, you will do it. I had enough at work..things has gone from bad to worse and like Harrison Ford said in 'Regarding Harry', i had enough so i i said when. This is what happen to me and an advice from my ex boss- if u are not happy get out..u can find money elsewhere..which is kind of true..
Things are really bad this year..i guess i have no passion in my work passion now is with my kids and my dream of opening a centre for special needs kids that intregated with normal kids. I'm hoping that this will materialised soon.
Amli is ok with me quitting my job, the big challenge is how to tell this to my parents??? Will they be dissapointed with me?? I really hope that they understand that this is not what i what to do with the rest of my life. The thing with my parents is that they are conservative..yo them ur happiness is secondary, what important is u are working..maybe i will tell them that i'll find money somewhere else....