Thirty Three
That is my number for today, not only today but for the whole year. I'm 33!! I'M 33!!!! OUCH, 33!!!!!!
That's a lot of numbers, when I was a little girl I would think that by the time I reached this age-I have everything in the world-but in reality, I'm not even half way there but I'm on it, and enjoying every minute of the journey.
My darling Amli gave me this for my birthday, he asked me what I wanted for my birthday. I told him that I wanted a diamond necklace but he pretended that he was deaf for a moment!!!

Finally we settled for this. It was nice and I like it. My mom gave me this

Dengan erti kata yang lain-rajin-rajinlah masak for your family.
I'm still half way thru my special day and there are so many things that I wanted to do today, but I rather stay at home and be with my kids( the truth is that I do not have any energy to do something wild for my birthday)
Talking about energy, I went out with my friends last Friday for a farewel dinner to one of my closet colleagues, were planning to enjoy the night until wee hours and guess what time we went home?? 9.30pm!!! 9.30pm- we were bunch of old ladies!!!! Guess, age is cathcing up with me- if 10 years ago I could stay the whole night, now by 9.30pm I could not even open my eyes. But I'm happy and that is what important.
For this year, I wish that I will be healthy and happy until i have to pee in diapers!!