As Good As It Gets

A place where I can voice out my concern about my life, my family, my relationship and everything under the sun, or moon or the entire universe.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Kudos to Immigration Department, Wangsa Maju

I was impressed beyond words when I went to IDWM(Immigration Department, Wangsa Maju) to renew my international passport today. I knew that I can get my new chip passport in 2 hours from the website.

A colleague of mine went there about 2 months ago, and she told me that it took her 1/2 a day to get her new passport. So I assume that it will be the same to me.

I went arrived at their office at about 7.15am(they only open at 8am)but there are already people waiting in front of their door. I came fully prepared(so i thought), I had my 2 passport size photo, which I dare say that I look rather dashing, and photocopy of my IC( I even had photocopy of my passport)and downloaded form.

At about 10 to 8am, their security guard went to approach us and asked us to form a queue in front of the door, this is to be fair to everybody who was there like me at 7.15am. I was third in the queue. Then at 8am sharp, the door was opened and we were ushered in by the security guard. I was thinking this is a good system where this is really a first come first serve basis( not like our office where they can be at the door first but when the door open other people can beat the queue and get the number before them-maybe I should suggest this in the next CS meeting)

I went to the number counter, when I showed my form to the officer there, he told me that downloaded form must be printed front and back-damn it, this is not mentioned anywhere in their website!! I had to buy the form and had to fill it up before I get my number, so instead of I was the 3rd in queue now my number is 1008.

I was given the number at 8.09am, and less than a minute my numner was called. I was quite happy. Then it's time for me to wait for payment, I was warned by my colleague that this can take a long time as the number that that they call is not in sequel.

But at 8.11am, my number was called for the payment. The officer then told me that my passport will be rady in an hour time. I was ok. I was not sure either should I go out first and buy something or should I wait here just in case they called me before an hour. And tomy surprised they started calling then number at 8.20am, and since they told us i.e the customers that the passport will be rady in an hour, most of the customers left and I assume they though in an hour time they will come back and they don't have to wait for a long time. My number was called at about 8.30am. I was impressed, my whole process took less than 30 mins!!!

This make me thinking about OUR level of service and how during busy time our customers have to wait for more than 1 hour to be served. There were times when the number of the staff in the immigration department outnumbered the customers!! Something that never going to happen here at BC.

I salute the immigration department, they has exceed customer expectation and this is what we call an excellent customer service. Really wish that we can do that here.


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