Breakfast at Tiffany

Last Friday I was on leave and while channel surfing I accidentally 'bumped' into this movie. I first saw this movie long time ago and it's always bring good feeling to me.
At the time in my life when all things are not doing very well, this movie actually bring hope. It's like 'HIM' is giving me a hint everything will be alright no matter how bad things are now.
I always love this movie, Audrey Hepburn brings the new meaning of being classy and my God George Peppard was damn good looking in that movie(so much different from the A-team era). Breakfast At TIffany(BAT) also reminds me that money is not everything, Holly Golightly tried to choose money over love but she failed. She realized that money does not guarantee that she will be happy, althought she admitted that nothing bad can happen to her in Tiffany, and how hard it is to find something in Tiffany for USD10.00. She chose love over money and at that moment of time, I also agreed with her-that money cannot buy hapiness but I was soon brought back to reality. Money cannot buy happiness but money can buy things that make you happy, will you be happy when you can have the latest handbag from Gucci or the latest N Series?? Of course you will be happy. That is what Holly Golight looking for but of course in the movie love will always wins. But in reality, it's totally a different stories.
I really wish that life will be easy like in the movie, you will find your true love, your hardship will be rewarded, etc,etc,etc. But like Monica says in "Friends" "real life is sucks but you will love it". I guess I just have to love the real world, but then again there is always second life :)
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