UKAN Dinner
Last Saturday Amli & I attended UKAN dinner organized by British Council. Our dinner was sponsored by our University, so we only paid RM20 for the dinner. Originally it was RM80.
The dinner was in KLCC,someone commented to me before that food in KLCC was not that great but the dinner was quite good actually. The entertaiment that night was great, I really enjoyed myself but I think it will be much better if the organized let us dit where we eant rather than assigned us to a table. I know the intention was for us to mingle to others but unfortunately my table mates were not that friendly :( Luckily I was seated with Aida, so we had a great time kutuking others :)
Here are the photos:

Aida, Uncle & me

Coventry University

Coventry University members


hmmm.... why am I not surprised about the 'kutuk'ing?
Who is the other malay lady? kak chik ka?
That's Tursina... gambar tak berapa clear.... kak Chik missed the dnner as she was on her way back from Melaka and they took a break which made her miss the dinner... Pelat made it tho ehhehe funny story.....
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