Where were they????

I watched "the Holidays" last night and I fell in love with Jude Law. I know people has been talking about him for ages but I never found him interesting until "the holidays"- I fell in love with him 0r maybe not him but Graham. After last night, only then I realized why people fell head over heel for him-apart from his obvious good look, he has this sex appeal that ahhh me.
Orlondo Bloom-I have been in love with him since "Troy"-typical Paris(as in the illiad) and not Hilton-ok? so fine and broke so many hearts.
But the question that I wanted to ask is I was in UK for 5 years-I went to school there for 2 years but why I never met someone who is good looking like these 2 brits?? Why?? Where were they when I was looking for someone?? Main sorok-sorok ke?? When I was there, all the brits that I met was ok looking, some was so normal that I think Malaysian men are much better looking than them-that bad ok?? When I was in 6th Form in Berkhamsted- the boys in the Boys' School and in my Econ class are just boys-they are boys, they were only 16!!! They behaved like one too. And none of them are drop dead gorgeous_ well, may 1 or 2( I can't even remember their name-yatie do you remember their name-the good looking ones?)
Then when I was in Coventry for 3 years-zilch, zero, none. They were just not around when I was there. I even went to Kent for 3 separate occasion and did I met Orlondo there??? NO-i guess at that time he is still BELUM :)Or is it me?? I only attract normal looking guys?? was I that bad?? I was ok looking, my husband told me that I was cute( well, may be that's only to get me to went out with him, is it?) But then again, people have this saying that good looking ones will always attract not so good looking partners-and since both Jude and Orlondo are not with me, I wonder what that says about me :)
Definitely they weren't in Coventry ehehhehehhe
went to the wrong place, damn it :)
hey u found the love of your life in Cov apa??
Aida - ehehheheh
It's funny I had never thought of getting a mat salleh boyfriend when I was in England myself. Such thought never occured to me at all. Pelik betul. Kalau tak, rasanya I dah dok kat Europe sekarang ni, hehehe.
I remember my grandma said to me before I left, "Jangan bawa balik laki mat salleh nooo." Hmmm... maybe dia dok do'a tak bagi I terlekat dengan mat salleh kot.
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