Me Bake??

Last Saturday I bake. Me bake after almost 7 years of not doing that. And the picture is the result and it was good too. Amli asked me to bake something for him, and he requested for chocolate cake. I wanted to do something simple first, I want it too be good. So, I called or rather smsed Yatie and asked for her recipe.
I enjoy baking but I don't like cooking, so if Amli ask me to bake I will gladly do it but don't ask me to cook. I will find 1001 excuses trying to get out from it.
So, I did it last Saturday and my family like it. I'm quite pleased with myself actually. I have this dream that one day I want to open a book cafe and this is the first step of realizing my dream, by start practising my culinary skills. And since the result was good I might do it more often...:)
Hey, where's our share????
Yeay!!! You did it. Looks good to eat.
Hey! I have the same dream of a book cafe but I won't be doing the cooking though....
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