As Good As It Gets

A place where I can voice out my concern about my life, my family, my relationship and everything under the sun, or moon or the entire universe.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

What Clock??

It was so funny, it was mean but it was funny. I work as in a place that offer English class for students to improve their English. It is a noble job but sometimes you just could not hlep laughing at people.

Yesterday, there was this young girl came and enquired about our services. I explained everything to her, told her about our classes, the procedures and told her that she has to come back the next day to register as registration only start that day. Told her about prices, and our payment time. She was happy and she left.

Few minutes later, she came back and asked me "What clock?". I was like "sorry?". She repeated again, "what clock"....huh??? Then it came to me what she meant was what time she can come and pay for her class. Tried very hard not to laught at her, I answered her quickly, and the moment that she stepped out from the office, I broke into laughter and could not stop. I know it was mean but it was so funny. Ahhhhhhhh.....


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