As Good As It Gets

A place where I can voice out my concern about my life, my family, my relationship and everything under the sun, or moon or the entire universe.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Term of endearment

This came to mind last night as I was about to sleep. I was felling rather sick last night-told my dear husband that I think that I have a slight fever-hoping for a bit of sympathy but what do I get-NOTHING. He fell a sleep right away. Then it got me thinking(funny what is in your mind when you are feeling sick)

We do not have any term of endearment, I mean some of you call each other -Abang, Adik, some of you Abang, sayang, some darling, and other panggilan. We have nothing. I call my husband his second name, at first to annoyed him but it kindda stuck, I kindda like it as nobody call him by his second name. He call me....emmmm let me think, oh ya he call me "awak" as in you. How romantic is that?? I did ask him to call me "sayang" and do you know what was his replied "tak nak, nanti orang kata mengada-ngada". How can calling your wife sayang be a mengada-ngada?? I really don't get it, but on the other hand, I refused to call him 'abang'-to me why should I call him 'abang'-he is not my brother. Come to think about this I don't even call my own brother Abang. So, I guess we are even in this department.

Anyway, it's too late to start calling each other differently now. We've known each other for 10 years, been married for 7 years. I guess at the end of the day it does not really matter what you call each other as long as you love each other right?? Agree with me people- I need the assurance!!!!


At 8:32 AM, Blogger Yatie Tajudin said...

It's not the panggilan that's important la... one person I know call her husband " bla bla bla" just because she's older than the husband and feels kekok calling him abang. Or you can start calling each other "Ling, ling.." hehehe


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